Increase the Size of Static Partition of Datanode

Hello Guyssss !!!
In this Article , I will gonna to show you how we can increase the size of static partition of the storage of the datanode in the hadoop cluster
Considering that u already know that how to set-up the hadoop cluster…So, here we go..
Currently ,I have one master and slave node..Slave node is contributing approximately 500MiB o f storage toi the master..And it looks like

Slave is contributing storage to the master from the slave folder as u can see from the image..
Now , I want to increase the size of the datanode storage from 500MiB to approx. 1Gib..
So, I made the use of the fdisk command
- Delete the 500MiB Size partition
- Create a single partition of size approx. 1GiB
- Then It prompts me whether I want to delete the signature(Inode Table) of the first partition(Of size 400Mib) , I said no..because if I would have select then my whole data would be lost but that’s what I do not want..
- Then I just came out from the program of fdisk by pressing w to save the made changes..
Then , I made the use of resize2fs command for formatting the remaining portion(500Mib) of the storage(500Mib(first-one already formated) + 500Mib(Second-one) which is to be formated)

Now ,if I see the output of the df -hT command …It Looks Like

At the end if we see whether the new increased storage has been contributed by the slave to the master or not…. It looks like

Thus , in this way I increase the size of static partitioned storage of the slave node in the Hadoop cluster..
Thanks For Reading..!!!
I Hope I was able to provide Atleast one extra information to you in this article…
See u in the next one …