Integrating LVM With Hadoop To Provide Elastic Storage Kind Of Feature To DataNode

Hello Guyyyyssss 😃😃
In this Article , I will gonna to show you how we can integrate LVM with Hadoop to provide Elastic Storage kind of feature to the datanode..(Why Datanode ???.. Because , Datanodes are the one where the data is stored in the hadoop cluster..At the master side only the metadata is stored…That’s why only datanode 😃)
I am considering that u guys are familiar with the hadoop cluster and know how to set-up your own hadoop cluster..So, here we 🚀
Currently, In my cluster I have one master node and one slave node…
I attached hard disk(in my case VDI since I am using Virtual Machine) of size 1GiB to my operating system..Then
- I created it’s partition using fdisk command utility and divided it into the two parts 500MB + 500MB
- Then , I created the pv from both the partition using command
pvcreate <name of the partition>
- Then , I created vg from both the partition using the command
vgcreate <vg-name-we-want-to-give> <name-of-partition-1> <name-of-partition-2>

Then , I created the LVM(of size 500 MiB) from the vg of approx size 1024 MB

Now ,I formatted the partition and then mount it to the /slave directory(directory of the data node) and then start the data node service

Now , If I see the output of hadoop dfsadmin -report
then it looks like

Now , I stored a test file in the data lake provided by the hadoop cluster

Now , I increased the size of the lvm of the data node from 500M to 700M(approx)

But ,the output of the df -hT
command looks like

Because , the increased portion has not been formatted yet..So , I made the use of resize2fs
command for doing the online formatting..(resize2fs only supports online extending not shrinking)

Now ,the df -hT
command’s output looks like

Now , I check the output of hadoop dfsadmin -report

Now , I tried to reduce the size of the lvm of the storage of data node again using the resize2fs

So, from here we can see that resize2fs command only supports on-line expanding not shrinking..So , for this first we have to make the folder offline by stooping the data node services and also unmount the lvm from the /slave directory

Then , I just mount the lvm to the /slave directory and again start the datanode service
Then , I checked the output of hadoop dfsadmin -report

At the end I also checked whether my data(here /text file), is there in the data lake or get lost in this process of resizing..And what I found is , it was there in the data lake 😃

Thanks For Reading..!!! 🔥
Hope, I was able to give u atleast one unknown information in this article.
See u in the next one ..
Signing Off … 😃