JavaScript WorkShop Self-Reflection

On 12th and 13th of June I attended the JavaScript Workshop hosted by my beloved guru Mr.Vimal Daga..
It was a great workshop full of tremendous amount of knowledge and some sort of hacks(Not for cracking purpose but for creating awareness )..I enjoyed the workshop a lot…
I learned a lot of things in the workshop like
1 Browser act as a JavaScript interpreter..It make the use of JavaScript engine for converting the JavaScript code to machine code..
2 Event in browser is the result of the actions performed by the user.
3 There are two ways of including JavaScript
a) Inline → In this JavaScript is present in html file itself….
b) External → In this we get the Js code from other sites .By making the use of src keyword
4 In js for printing , we make the use of console.log() function
5 By writing javascript: followed by code in the address bar…
6 Div tag is used as a block element..The use of id as it sounds is to identify element/s in the dom..
7 getElementById is used for get the elements from the dom through their id and innerHTML is used for changing content in them….
8 onclick,mouseover etc are the event listener..
9 Dom represents the heirarchical structure of the content render by the browser on it’s console..It’s root node is document..
1 JavaScript support alert , confirm and prompt box..
2 BOM(Browser Object Module) is Web-Api used for manipulating browser’s console ..Window is one of the example
3 With the help of style keyword we can integrate css with js
4 AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) means calling the API asynchronously with the help of Javascript…
5 Request means calling the API or hitting to the server… Response means the output server gives corresponding to request
6 In Javascript synchronous , the code gets executed synchronously, means one at a time..But, in asynchronous we can run/interact with multiple JavaScript line of code at same time .
7 The pre tag is used for rendering the content same as browser get from server ..
Thanks to Vimal Sir , Preeti Ma’am and whole LinuxWorld Team for organising such a workshop…